"Awaz By Abdal Bela is a groundbreaking literary work that explores the depths of human emotion and societal dynamics through a collection of poignant poems. With exquisite language and profound...
In "Bandh Darwaza Ki Cheekhein," Kishwar Naheed explores the nuanced layers of societal restrictions and the stifled voices of women in a patriarchal framework. Through vivid imagery and poignant storytelling,...
Bang-e-Dara (بانگِ درا), or The Call of the Marching Bell, is one of Allama Muhammad Iqbal's most celebrated poetic works, originally published in 1924. This collection, written in Urdu, traces...
"Being Pakistani: Society, Culture, and the Arts" by Raza Rumi provides an insightful exploration into the multifaceted dimensions of Pakistani society, culture, and artistic expressions. Rumi navigates through the intricate...
"I Would Leave Me If I Could: A Collection of Poetry by Halsey" delves into the raw and vulnerable inner world of its author, presenting a journey through love, loss,...
Mind Platter by Najwa Zebian invites readers into a journey of self-discovery and reflection through a collection of poetic thoughts and prose. It explores themes of identity, empowerment, and healing,...